I'll try that the next time I go out in it. I'm grid charging it at the moment, probably until about noon tomorrow. After that I'll check it out, that'll be sweet if it works.
On the bright side, as I was testing it out on short stop-and-starts, without the engine even being warmed up, my instant mpg want from 70.2 to 70.5, and I'm 300 miles into this tank. So I'm thinking I will see a large mpg gain using it, just like the jump I saw in Black Widow when I began to EOC in it.
***edit 1-4-15***
Yeah, that worked! Forgot to reply until just now.
As soon as I turn off the clutch switch, the injector kill button kills the injectors perfectly with no re-starts. When I turn the clutch switch back on, I use the brake regen button to keep the IMA topped off. I've done a bunch of very short trips with a lot of stop-and-go on this tank, and carpooled almost every work day with my wife, and I'm still hovering right at 70 mpg. I'm right at the end of the tank with about 615 miles and two bars left on the gas gauge. As long as it doesn't get super cold over the next couple of weeks I think I should be able to go way over 70 mpg on the next tank.
This next tank will be a full-on EOC tank with my normal commute, so it should be a good gauge of how much the kill switch affects the overall mpg.
I've also started to use my battery tender nightly to keep the 12V battery topped off since I'm doing so much EOCing now. Normally I leave for work when it's dark and return home when it's dark, so I use a lot of 12V juice.
Last edited by cowmeat; 01-04-2015 at 10:32 AM..