Hello All!
I displayed the cycle this past weekend at the Ecomodder.com booth at Hybridfest.

(It's the big cycle, not the small one!)
I also just went for a ride today to see how far I really could go on a charge (a common question from Hybridfest attendees.)
I went out for a ride - about ten miles at high speed on main roads in heavy traffic, and the rest on slower side streets, and very little traffic.
After making it to 30 miles, I checked the voltage and saw the batteries were at 40% charge.
After that, I did a "sprint" on the main road. The cycle still had lots of acceleration, but top speed was only 43 mph (instead of the usual 45) and voltage sagged quite a bit more under load than it usually would have.
Total trip was 33.5 miles.