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Old 01-08-2015, 02:39 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by spacemanspif View Post
Main reason I wanted the wagon was for easier truck access. My Saturn had an OK trunk opening and I'm noticing cars getting smaller, and weirder shaped, trunks than in the past. I was tired of digging under my rear shelf to get to my tools so I started looking for a wagon lol.

Americans just don't like wagons. Even though my car probably has MORE space and legroom than a CRV or Rav4, they still buy the SUV because "I feel better sitting up higher". First off, calling one of those CARS an SUV is an abomination; old Broncos, Suburbans and Jeeps are SUVs, yours is a tall car lol. Secondly, why do people want to sit so high? I'd rather have my butt scraping the ground and feel the car NOT roll in a turn, I still feel like I sit too high in the Focus because I'm way higher than I was in my Saturn.
My mom is 4'11 and it terrifies her when she can't see over the hood. The CRV is the only car she can drive out of like our 9 cars we have. My dad bought her a 2004 Odyssey but we ended up selling it because she couldn't see over the hood. No offense, but please look through all sides of the fence before making judgments upon others.

We have had it since 2000 or 2001 I believe it is, so we have gone through quite a few cars. My '95 camry, a '00 tacoma, 87 camry, '91 stang, 04 corolla, 00 corolla etc etc. She couldn't drive any of them due to not being able to see over the hood.

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