Got a chance to play in the rain today on a quick drive to Houston and back. Indicated mileage going up was 25.9mpg and 25.2mpg coming back. Speed was set to 65mph. Rain was heavy at times and traffic only slowed down a few times. I didn't notice in the mirror any rooster tail or water spray from my rig while I was driving.
I was pretty much empty on this trip. My spare tire has been moved to the bed and mounted vertically on the driver's side. My Roadmaster Active Suspension has been adjusted from 1mm to 2mm spacing on the coils. The hitch air shocks were at 60psi and the air spring was at 70psi. Only one 60lb sand bag ballast, 2 spare tires, and 1 tool kit centered over the trailer tire.
Only one truck stopped to ask the rig. I drove around his truck in the parking lot to demonstrate the versatility of the single wheel trailer. He seemed amazed.