Originally Posted by Ecky
I was about to ask the same question about the belly pan. Would bolts + large washers work with 1/2" insulation, or will it tear eventually? How does it hold up against road debris?
A 4x8 sheet of 1/2" foam weighs less than 1.5 lbs. so it doesn't take much to hold it in place. Use aluminum flashing to overlap and join sections. Spray with contact glue to attach the aluminum to the foam. If your worried about strength, glue a piece of aluminum flashing first to the foam at the attachment point. Always use a fender washer with screws and or bolts for extra resistance to keep it from pulling through.
The bottom shows scars from road debris but has held up fairly well. Wind though if it gets behind a panel will remove your hard work quickly. I lost a small portion behind the rear suspension. Make sure that it is sealed well and attached firmly.