Gen 1 Insight Team is #1 on the list! Yay
That's why I created the team, I figured we'd end up being #1 at some point!
I'm still struggling to get back over 70 mpg myself, but I haven't been using my battery tender nightly like I swore I would. I also carpool almost daily, so it hurts a little on the Insight's mpg (since I do a lot of stop and start through town) but it saves me a ton of gas money in the end!
FYI: Along with that OEM EGR valve I have sitting around waiting for somebody to show interest in, I'm also getting ready to remove the throttle smoothing circuit if anybody is interested in that. It does keep the throttle from jumping around, but it also seems to keep the revs up for a second longer than normal, so I think it's actually hurting my mpg.
Once again, this is also up for grabs to whoever wants it for the cost of shipping, which should only be a couple of bucks. I think I still have the paperwork on the installation procedure, too. Maybe one of you guys will have better luck with it then I did