I called my tranny guy a little bit ago. He suggested that I stay away from the Gear Vendor in the stock tranny because the filter is restrictive. He told me I would have to put an '08 pan on the truck and the full-flow filter that was used in later transmissions. Sounds legit to me, seeing as he understands all this stuff. I also didn't realize the transmission thermostat doesn't even open until 150*F, so that the majority of my tranny fluid wasn't making it to my external filter until it is many miles down the road.
For now I'm going to look for a used unit that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. I found a used one in Texas (I'm currently in Wichta Falls Tx getting some Air Force training) for $500 that would probably bolt up...but it is an older model that is either "on" or "off" depending on driver input. Sounds like a disaster if my wife put it in 4x4 with it on. If I was more tech savvy I'm sure there is a way to electronically disable it when the 4x4 comes on like the new ones do.