Originally Posted by awcook
I'll tell you what a Civic gets at 90 MPH soon, probably on Monday evening. I'm quite curious, since I know a guy who goes 80 in school zones (he is stupid) and 100+ on city streets. I've been curious about the fuel economy the guy gets, it probably is only in the 13-20 MPG range if it's a 4 banger, below 10 if it's bigger. I'm not sure if the guy only does it to show off, but it's scary to ride with him, so I've heard.
I won't be seeing his accelerating MPG, but I'll see his cruising MPG, which will make me pretty happy. It shouldn't hurt the tank that badly, since it is extremely difficult to ruin a tank in my car (flooring it only goes up to 9 gal/h, which is like really low in my opinion) so I won't mind doing a 90+ run for science. 
Please do tell what it is like under acceleration if you can, I'm curious what both numbers will be compared to mine lol!