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Old 01-26-2015, 01:17 PM   #26 (permalink)
vrmouseyd15b's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: quad cities illinois/iowa border
Posts: 520

skidmark - super snail - '89 honda civic wagon WAGOVAN
Team "Old SKOOL"
90 day: 30.87 mpg (US)

Pituca - '19 Honda Insight Touring
90 day: 39.34 mpg (US)
Thanks: 185
Thanked 178 Times in 139 Posts
I know Old Mechanic is a good one, for sure!
But we Ecomodders are a different breed altogether.

Honesty and a little integrity go a long way. All of Old Mechanic's diagnostic methods are very straight forward and no nonsense from what I've seen (thanks again for the spongy brake pedal solution on Skidmark). That's the kind of mechanic I'd go to.

The mechanic I "use" when I need him, is a close personal friend (YODA) and he works like Old Mechanic. He knows his stuff. Difference is, YODA works in my garage, with my tools most of the time, and usually after I've messed something up
Helluva guy

Mech, your stock is HIGH in my book!


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