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Old 01-30-2015, 10:32 PM   #72 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
When someone starts tailgating me I just let my speed vary enough to get them to pass. Since most of the roads I drive are 4 lanes it usually does not become an issue. On two lane roads I just P&G if they want to follow too close.

I have had them pass me in some dangerous and illegal places, but if they pass I just shift to neutral and let them get by with as little drama as possible.

I've had a couple that were so oblivious to anything other than staying 2-3 car lengths behind me, on a 4 lane highway with no other traffic close, that I coasted from the speed limit (45mph) down to below 25 before they finally went around me.

One nice thing about coasting, while idiots will blow by you only to slam on their brakes at the red light 200 yards ahead, at least the coasting reduces the chance of them actually running into your rear end.

Yep, I do the same thing. I find brake checking people only entices mpg hurting road rage, so it's just easier (and more mpg friendly) to just slow down and let them pass.

Once I get front and rear push bumpers on the Mustang however... That will be a different story.

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