Originally Posted by pgfpro
Great write up, as usual.
Man I miss my Honda days after reading all of this. 
I do love to play in the garage with the Hondas!
I know I can be a little long - winded sometimes

but look, this thread is Skidmark's repair history! Everything documented and filed away for future reference. It's an open book. A very well detailed book.. .
By the way - I finished reading about running the positive side of the pressure line. Lots of great info there! I'm currently shopping around for that boost book! Hopefully that will answer the other million questions I've got on the subject (half of that 50 something pages was over my head).
In other news, I've sold the green machine (our '95 town and country) and should have some cash to start throwing around on my motor build in the next couple weeks

That means I need to get a few things figured out motor wise. Definitely mini-me, and definitely built top to bottom (I'm going for the 100% volumetric efficiency like in your other thread).
That said, I need to start looking at combinations for all my internals and sit down with my YODA to come up with a plan.
Pgfpro, if I can't figure out a formula or something I might have to bother you with a p.m. ok?
One more thing - to anybody - you run an mpguino? If so have you ever used the 400m drag race screen? Is it anywhere near accurate? Just curious. .