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Old 02-19-2015, 02:38 PM   #36 (permalink)
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What is privacy annyways these days, have you googled yourself lately?
Besides the government already keeps tabs on us all down to our last wee; and who else is there to hide from than them?
You're free to do so of course. When one is posting or re-posting other's license plates, though, I think it is—as I said—good manners. cRiPpLe_rOoStEr in the 'in the wild thread' does so consistently, in red.

As to your second point; I have no problem with the alphabet agencies monitoring my bathroom habits, but they open up holes that the wild-eyed freaks and bad actors pile through. I tried Googling my IRL name, some doctor in Sydney, Oztralia has claimed it on Facespook and all the other social media. The only one that found me was Spokeo, because I'm in the phone book. But there were 6 false positives.

Anyways, 'do what thou wilt...'
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