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Old 07-23-2008, 04:16 PM   #32 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by instarx View Post
Algae-based biodiesel is here? That's a surprise to me and I'm pretty tuned into the biodiesel community, since I only use B100 in my diesel truck. Show me some. Or even show me a link to a production site that's anything other than a lab experiment or proof of concept. I can probably make biodiesel out of my cat's poop, but that doesn't mean it's here as a fuel.
Looks like you're right ... the ones in Spain have been issuing press releases since 2006, with production start dates in 2007, and here we are half way through 2008 with none up and running. The ones in Hawai'i are test projects, and not actually producing, I guess. There's more hype in the alternate energy field than in Brother Sam's Travelin' Snake Oil Medicine Show; we should start drilling for real live oil now!

Originally Posted by instarx View Post
I'm sorry to be so contrary, but a lot of the things you say about diesel and biodiesel is subtly incorrect. It isn't that manufacturers won't warranty an engine running more than B5, its that they will only approve fuel for use in their vehicles that is below B5.
It is a subtle difference, I guess. Would you agree with this statement: If there's a problem with your engine, the auto company will point to your use of non-approved fuel as a possible cause of the problem, and your normal fight to get them to cover a warranty issue will be compounded by more than their normal intransigence.

That difference is subtle, yet the effect is the same. I'm not going to risk thousands of dollars in repair bills on something the automaker doesn't approve.
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