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Old 02-26-2015, 01:20 PM   #125 (permalink)
Neutral is my favorite
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Niagara Falls, NY
Posts: 225

The Black Pearl - '03 Mercury Marauder 300A
Team Panther

Land Yacht - '08 Lincoln Navigator L Ultimate
90 day: 15.89 mpg (US)

Tank of Justice III - '97 Ford Crown Victoria HPP
Team Panther
90 day: 24.84 mpg (US)
Thanks: 52
Thanked 63 Times in 53 Posts
So, I took one step backward, but am taking strides forward.
I broke two of the bolts while torqueing the main caps on. I forgot to clean out the threads and holes, and there was still some blast media in there. Oops.
Now it's at my friends machine shop for repair.

But I did powder coat my timing chain cover and rear main seal cover.
And I'm stripping my heads down to:
1. Install new valve seals
2. Clean up the heads
3. Powder coat them LIME GREEN

Also ordered new freeze plugs for the block, along with new main bolts, timing chain pins, right hand tensioner, and intake manifold gaskets.

Things are looking good.
Pics later.

-ryan s.
1997 Ford Crown Victoria HPP- "Tank of Justice III" 194k - 578.9 miles on ONE tank
2003 Mercury Marauder- 63k, not so fuel efficient; #1,548 of 11,052
2008 Lincoln Navigator L - 244k (don't ask about mpg)

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