Good luck with your inspection!
My treatment by policemen has generally been good to "wow"! Some years back i was on I-75 NE of Hotlanta and was doing 82 mph in what I thought was 70 mph zone. Also, in general, in Georgia, you get a free pass for 10-12 mph over the posted limit.
But 15 mph or more over the posted limit is a serious no-no. It's considered reckless endangerment or something comparable and the fines are big and the driver's license points are several. Anyway I am going 82 in my Crown Vic, with 3 passengers and we get pulled over. The policeman says "How fast were you going? " I said "82" I believe. He asks me what i thought the speed limit was where we were and I told him 70 mph. WRONG, he says; the speed limit is 55! So, I am going 27 miles over the limit. I thought, man, my goose is cooked. Then the officer says "Pay closer attention to looking at the posted speed limits." I said, "Yes, sir." and he walked away, and drove off and left me in stunned silence.
Another time I was on a local county road and was speeding 20 mph over the limit (55 in a 35 zone). A county Deputy Sheriff was hiding behind some trees and caught me. When he stopped me, he said "What do you think of my hiding spot?'' I said, "That's a great spot, I never saw or suspected a thing!" He laughed and gave me a warning ticket.
So, there are some forgiving ones out there.