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Old 03-08-2015, 07:52 AM   #282 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hersbird View Post
You have completely missed the point. The first method you describe is not legal as you pointed out, the second method is not buying a car form India, it is assembling a car from India, that may or may not ever be allowed on the road. I don't want to build my own car, I want to buy a new simple cheep car. I don't want miles of red tape put up by the federal government designed to prevent just that, and to protect the big corporations already selling cars here. The "motorcycle" car is really the only option, I just hope India and China get to it as it looks like Elio never will.
I think you're missing the point

It isn't about weather it's as easy as stopping in a local Ford dealership ... You've been give 4 different legal paths to get the vehicle type you said you wanted ... the government is not what is stopping you from doing any of those 4 paths.

#1> Temporary extension while 'getting it modified to US safety standards'

The 1st option is legal .. as long as you continue to reapply and keep getting that rubber stamp on your extension ... you can keep doing that for years and years .. which as I posted , I've known people who have already done this very thing ... they told me they thought of it like renewing their registration ... I pointed out you can be fined if you don't get it renewed but still keep driving it ... same thing .. you can get fined if you don't renew your registration or insurance or license and keep driving... keep renewing it .. and you're legal .. just like those other things you renew.

#2> US Assembly under Kit Car Laws.

The 2nd was another legal option for you ... you don't have to assemble it yourself .. it just has to be assembled in the US under the far more permissible 'kit-car' legal classification ... If there is a big enough market for the product .. a business will open to fill that market need... Nothing stopping you from opening that business yourself (if you think there is a market).

#3> Chinese UTVs example

The 3rd was another legal path for you to get the car.

#4> Change the laws you don't like.
If you can get more than about 17% of the eligible voters to agree with you and turn out and vote with you ... you or anyone else can change any law (or remove any red tape) there is ... If you can't get 17% than you're a tiny minority .. and you'll have to stick with the above previous 3 options.

- - - - - - -

Wishing you the best of luck (and looking forward to reading your thread) ... about your multi-year but ultimately successful legal path to the new vehicle type you desire.

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