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Old 03-09-2015, 12:26 AM   #283 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Dark Egg - '12 VW Touraeg
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You are wrong on all 4 counts. Maybe some of this stuff was legal before but the laws were substantially changed in the last decade. It's not the 25% tax keeping stuff out, there are specific new rules on the little trucks. They are cracking down on the UTVs. In no way are they anything like a car under current rules. Many places they are not street legal at all. Your people you used to know, who knows, I've checked and it's not legal for more then a year. No extensions, Carroll Shelby himself has had to disassemble beautiful cars he has built because of this rule. If he couldn't figure out a work around no way I could and that was 20 years ago, laws have only gotten tougher. Kit cars that are all new need to meet all current laws. the laws specifically say "Any attempt to use this policy to circumvent the Clean Air Act or the Imports regulations will be considered a violation of the Clean Air Act and will be strictly enforced."
The laws cannot be changed with 17% voter support, that is the funniest one of all your ideas and shows that you are not actually taking the discussion seriously.
Even if I was in the minority, and I probably am, it is good to know that there are still big thumb folks out there like you who seem to revel in forced conformity. I say live and let live.
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