Originally Posted by ME_Andy
Does that mean you tapped holes for separate injectors for the solvent? That sounds like a crapload of work and extremely risky. But also awesome that you're getting fuel for free now.
This is a picture of the high temperature air injection rail unit that will inject air 3" in front of the intake valves. The factory built a inclosed rail inside the intake that I tapped into. It had already four one for each port .060 holes that are pointed to the center of the intake runners. This is also the waste paint solvent system when enabled. The first valve will control the amount of air flow. The there is a second valve that is between the air flow valve and intake, this controls the amount of waste paint solvent.
Here is a pic inside the intake the one on the left. There are four port nozzles one for each runner. This pic doesn't show the outside ones. This was used to distribute the PCV gases evenly to all four ports. I took this and modified it so it wasn't to difficult.