Originally Posted by foxgrockefeller
All the moates I see on ebay are $175. $50 would be fine $175....nope :P
I've never flashed or chipped an ECU before but I figure most things out with enough time on the internet(years haha)
Tracking down info on tuning a D15z1 outside of just putting the P07 in there to get me down the road is another thing. Seems like 1 public posting about chipping that thing. what is your opinion? If I could make my car haul ass like yours and still get hella MPG, I would. Considering throwing this turbo I got sittin around at it RBH5 IHI but don't want to confuse things before I'm driving this thing. Other good news. I can put this setup in my crappy blue CRX for now until I get it going right then swap it into my nice White one
I will start looking for a used Ostrich for you.
I'm not sure on the PO7 ecu???
I would get it running N/A first then go from there?