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Old 03-24-2015, 11:33 AM   #193 (permalink)
In Lean Burn Mode
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Originally Posted by figit090 View Post
awesome thanks for sharing, that's pretty neat. Is the toluene used to increase MPG in your system?
Yes the Toluene is use as a fuel source to improve my fuel mileage.
Here's a MSDS sheet on PPG Omni MS 251 clean up thinner.
The PPG Omni MS 251 is the clean up thinner that I sell to all my customers shop's that is used in their gun cleaning machines and part of the final wash in the gun cleaning process. After a month or so they dump out the solvent into a 5 gallon and then run it through their recycler along with paint that's discarded from a job left overs. The paint recyclers also separates the solvent that is in the clear,color, and primer etc.

So there are a few different solvent's in the waste paint solvent that I'm using.
The main ones are Toluene at around 69% then Methyl Alcohol 29% and the rest are Naphtha etc.
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