I was pretty pleased and relieved with the dry compression test. They're pretty close to each other and to stock, considering this car has 227,000 US miles on it. I decided against the wet compression test for now. I'm wrestling with a stuck oilpan and the heat-gun shaping of my wheel skirts.
Originally Posted by herberpower
...Why using 5w30 or 0W30 oil? This shortening the useful life of the engine....
I rarely use 0w30... and actually haven't in probably 2 years. But 5w30 is actually what Honda calls for in this car.
Originally Posted by herberpower
...on the fuel pressure.
when the tank is less than 1/4 of the total jerks begin to appear. do not leave the warehouse within 1/4.
Do you feel the same? ...
It did show the same symptoms, near empty tank or full tank. The second replacement fuel pressure gauge seems to have solved it so far.
A point of reference for EM readers in the USA: the Autozone fuel pressure regulator failed within two weeks. When I did a warrantee replacement at Autozone, I opened the box for the new one to check it out. Inside was a clearly used and damaged regulator. The item I have installed now came from O'Reilley. Just sayin' ... in fairness, I should say O'Reilley rented me two faulty pressure testers before getting a new one to me. One clerk even tried to charge me for one of 'em. Manager fixed that. Nonethelss, I prefer O'Reilley.