Originally Posted by Joggernot
Seems like a turbo 1L (100 hp) for "export" market would be sufficient to move this small car along in any traffic. Problem would be for the SUVs and trucks seeing it before pulling over. I'd take the 660 cc engine they have in this one because the Honda 650 Shadow bike is great to ride. and this S660 isn't that much heavier and much more streamlined. If the S660 is turbo, that's even better.
The 660cc is more than enough, its really too bad mericans have to be backward.
Heck for me the 360cc car I have is enough, would love microcars to be sold over here.
My fathers ZX40 for example is a street legal micro and to be honest I see no reason why they couldn't pass crash tests
Ah well, have to build our own I guess or buy antiques from pre-1970