Originally Posted by rjacob
Nice idea. I own multiple bikes including a couple Treks. Problem is I live 13.5 miles from work. It would be a total PITA to ride, and have to worry about clothes, etc, much less smelling rank at work. And I live on a hill. So pretty much anywhere I would go, would involve a nice steep 500 foot climb at the end when I come home. Kind of hard to get much in the way of grocerys when you will have to carry them up 500 of elevation gain to get them home.
I had pretty much the same mentality as you, but I started training for my commute over summer break and then weekends. Then when the new semester started I was ready for it. granted the terrain might not be the same, but I have a few hills on my ride and mainly just chose the flat lands for speed. But I dunno man, where there's a will there's a way. I'm doing 50 miles every other day and now focusing on becoming a triathlete.
Again, cycling isn't ideal for all but for those who have the option should seriously look into it.