New information - the output of the encoder is limited to 15V. So my voltage divider did not work so well. I tried 18V, 20V, 22V and 24.1V - the output reaches 15V and does not go over that.
I changed to a 10K and 5K resistor on the divider to get the 5V output (about 4.75V, actually). I hope that will work.
Connect 5 x 12V lead batteries in a pack (63V) to the pre-charge circuit per the instructable. Power up the controller through the DC/DC converter. Set kp-iq 2000, ki-iq 0, and run-pi-test
Nothing appears to happen. I let it sit for 5 minutes.
I can't build the source for this file. I didn't get the C30 compiler. Maybe it's just waiting for some signal to get in range .. just not sure what.
I turned it all off, then connected the encoder, just in case that's what it was waiting for. Power up and hit F9 on debug from MPLab. The contactors click, the prompt on the screen shows up and I can type config and set the kp-iq and ki-iq. run-pi-test .. no change. It just sits there. The motor does not rotate. The clamp-on meter does not register a surge in current on the positive DC supply. And there is no output on the screen.
Any ideas, Paul (or anyone else)?
I have the following connected, right to left:
- precharge contactor
- main contactor
- 24V and 0V connector
- serial cable
- encoder
- throttle pot connected as described in previous posts, at about 2.5V