Originally Posted by Davo53209@yahoo.com
We had a few cold days within the last week, whereas April is a funny month where I live. Plus I had to give some attention to the brakes on my other Honda; but now I'm back to it all.
At this point, I'm just about ready to reinstall everything while adding that the pilot bearing to my flywheel already came pre-installed as a bonus.
I've decide that I'm going to have to rent a transmission jack for the day; but I'm also contemplating renting an engine host too given that the engine is leaning slightly towards the passenger side.
My question is whether or not this is necessary or if anyone can offer some viable alternatives. At present, the holes to the mounting brackets are slightly misaligned.
If you mean aligning the motor mounts, you might need a friend to push and shove the engine where it needs to be, or get a jack that lifts higher.