After I painted the car I forgot to fix the gap on the driver side head light door. The gap is large enough to throw a small size animal through it.lol
So work on it today and got it pretty good for this beater.
The first pic is where my ride height is set at now 3 1/2". The tires are clearing and everything looks good so far? I'm going to have to be very careful though and always be thinking about the low clearance when driving on some of our roads here. The other concern is the Tilton electric pump is mounted up front so I will have to watch out for parking stops and curbs when pulling forward. But I guess this is the game we play.lol
I'm going to replace the front bumper later this winter with a new one. I didn't sand out all the rock chips as good as I should and it really bugs me.
My new version high to low pressure charge pipe is all mounted and tuck up and now sits higher then the exhaust system so I'm very happy with the results.
Now my biggest concern is the way this thing looks. It draws a ton of attention and we just had a bunch of young punks racing in our new local parking garage so now all the cops are profiling import cars again. Maybe my Ecomodder decals and the fact I'm a old guy driving this thing they will not pull me over?