Fellow Ecomodders a little update. I got my car running again, it has been a major pain this go around!!! I have been having lifter issues, oil leaks and ecu problems.
I forgot to bleed my lifters with the new revised head and had lifter pump up. So I upgraded while the valve cover was off and put in 3g lifters.
Had the typical oil leaks on the new build and had to order a new low pressure turbo return gasket.
My ecu is doing something weird again. I had it rebuilt last year because of leaking caps. It was sending voltage to the ecu cover housing. About 3 volts??? Anyway it started doing it again so I unbolted from the dash and now its laying on the passenger floor again.

I have know idea whats going on here??? But it runs fine as long as it doesn't touch any of the metal of the car???
I got all the hoses attach again. It looks like a vacuum hose nightmare.
I'm going to need three extra co-pilots just to run this thing. lol