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Old 05-18-2015, 02:29 AM   #86 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BlueFoot View Post
worth it
Worth what? What is your in-depth analysis of the costs to individuals and to society as a whole of forcing people to be dependent on a central control for mobility, both short and long term.

I want you to demonstrate that you have a brain here. How does such requirements raise the bar on newcomers to the automotive industry, how will it affect people in emergency situations? i.e. Will people lose all navigational skills? Will more people be squeezed out of car ownership (and jobs), will the focus on infrastructure shift towards just those who can afford a self driving car? And a billion other potential side effects.

Show me you can really think this through before you make value judgements.

Maybe the road ragers are angry because the fornicators are clogging up the roads...

Last edited by P-hack; 05-18-2015 at 03:33 AM..
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