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Old 05-18-2015, 04:15 PM   #28 (permalink)
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The OG VX - '92 Honda Civic VX
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Seats look great! Nice grab and thanks for sharing all of the install details.

I've found great success in hiding spider-web/tiny cracks and fade spots in leather seats by doing the following:

- Buy a can of matching SEM Color Match vinyl spray dye (Some Napa's carry this product in stock, about $11 per can. It's an actual dye; penetrates into the leather). For you black seats, look for a color called "Laguana Black". See my post her in a few minutes. I actually just picked up some for another project, and you'll see a pic in that post of this product.)

- Spray the die directly on the spot that needs correction.
- IMMEDIATELY rub the product in with a microfiber cloth.
- Repeat process on that spot, or other spots, until desired look is achieved.

Will NOT leak off on clothes, so long as you rub well after application and get all of the excess dye off before it dries and becomes a powder-like layer on the top of the leather.

Hope this helps!
"Yesterday as I was going in to the shop, I came upon a recently killed Armadillo in the middle of the road with one front leg sticking up. As I passed over him he "High Fived" my air dam. I thought that showed a great attitude on his part." -The Donkey CRX

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