Thread: False economy
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Old 05-24-2015, 01:56 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cosmick View Post
You guys trying to go beltless, what you save on fuel you spend on the 110-volt battery charger in your garage. Plus you can't do roadtrips, and if you can't enjoy your car, then why own one? Then again, how can you enjoy anything under 200 HP?
Likewise, you guys trying block heaters, what you save on fuel you spend on 110V in your garage.
If you're using a good synthetic oil, then the block heater doesn't actually help reduce cold start friction.
Oh, where to start?

"if you can't enjoy your car, then why own one?": Cars are a means of transportation, and that is the reason to own one. Everything else we attach to them is human stupidity stemming from our anthropomorphizing inanimate objects, including the very idea that a car must be "enjoyed". If you can't enjoy your toilet, why own one?

"Then again, how can you enjoy anything under 200 HP?" Because the rest of us don't labor under the erroneous assumption that only the things we find enjoyable are possible to be enjoyed, that's how.

"If you're using a good synthetic oil, then the block heater doesn't actually help reduce cold start friction." The point of a block heater is not to reduce cold-start friction. The point of the block heater is to get the engine close to operating temperature before you turn it on, so it isn't wasting fuel warming itself up.

The person who enjoys his 134-hp Prius much more than the 450-hp Viper or 505-hp Ram SRT-10 he used to own
UIUC Aerospace Engineering
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