The journey to a 100% consumer autonomous driving car is not a one step thing .. it is a journey of many many small steps ... just like the binary many many small steps computers use all the time to do very complicated tasks.
Automatic shifting is a small step toward autonomous driving cars.
Drive by wire is a small step toward autonomous driving cars.
ABS is a small step toward autonomous driving cars.
Park assist is a small step toward autonomous driving cars.
Lane change assist is a small step toward autonomous driving cars.
GPS automated map routing is a small step toward autonomous driving cars.
Rear sensors and cameras is a small step toward autonomous driving cars.
etc ... etc.
People choose to not do those things manually ... and piece by piece one step at a time we as a whole collectively and individually choose to automate the task of driving as a whole .. be they steps taken when someone buys the more automated Prius , instead of a less automated option .. or the steps taken when they buy some other vehicle with even more automation than the Prius has.
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As for the cyborg vs robotic comparison.
It doesn't 'stop' ... the cyborg wanting to be better at math installs a computer to do that thinking for him autonomously ... the cyborg wanting to have better hand eye coordination installs a computer to automate that .. etc .. etc ... piece by piece ... one tiny piece at a time.