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Old 05-31-2015, 02:11 AM   #30 (permalink)
Lean Burn Cruiser!
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Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Johnston County, NC
Posts: 936

Big Blazin' - '88 Chevrolet K5 Blazer Silverado
90 day: 14.97 mpg (US)

Chili - '00 Honda Insight
Gen-1 Insights
Team Honda
House of Tudor
Team Streamliner
90 day: 72.29 mpg (US)
Thanks: 840
Thanked 491 Times in 310 Posts
I am going back to the 14x5.5 MX-3 wheels. I can't stand the hit in fuel economy that I have taken! I had a 48 mpg tank before I swapped and was keeping my average in the 47's easily, I even had multiple 50+ mpg trips. Since then my fuel economy has tanked. This tank is sitting at 45.2 right now, and it is a struggle to get a 50 mpg trip. I will say an easy 2 mpg hit, which hurts when you are so close to breaking that mythical 50 mark

Using a calculation of increasing 10% Crr equals a 1.1% reduction in fuel economy, it appears that I have gained a minimum of 40% Crr from swapping the wheels! I find that hard to believe... 3 pounds of extra wheel weight wouldn't be this detrimental though, and that is the only other thing that changed.

I am

Remember, thank a fellow EM'er for a helpful post!!!
I hypermile better in my cowboy boots

Past threads:
ZX2 modding thread
Ecomodder's Top 10: How they do it!
ZX2 Aerodynamics: Shooting for 0.15 Cd
ZX2 coast-down testing for Cd & Crr
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