Originally Posted by AndrzejM
Here is a diagram of all pulleys of your engine:
1. Main pulley mounted on the crankshaft
2. Tensioner
3. Alternator
4. A/C
5. Power steering
That's what I've found
Thanks for the info. I looked under the hood again this morning and there are definitely only four pulleys. As depicted in your diagram, 1 is definitely the main crankshaft, 2. is the tensioner, 3. is the alternator, 4. is the A/C, while 5. is missing. Perhaps like renault_megane_dci said, the power steering is provided via a electric motor or through the steering column itself. The exact model of my Polo is an 9n3 (mk4), but I haven't managed to find a service/workshop manual for it.
Originally Posted by Mustang Dave
Synthetic lube in the engine can also make a noticeable difference in fuel economy. Last November, I switched my Mustang from Motorcraft 5W-30 semi-synthetic blend to Mobil 1 0W-30 full synthetic motor oil. I made it through this past Winter without dropping below 30 MPG. That's never happened before.
That's seriously impressive. Your average of 31.4 mpg (US) with a 4L Mustang puts my Polo's fuel economy to shame. Do you have a kill switch installed?