So, prices in the US and Canada keep climbing, and have been since this thread started.
Compare the graph from post 1 (March 1) to today's graph from Gasbuddy:
Not surprisingly, forum activity based on "active users" (and most other stats) bottomed out at all-time lows in Feb., and has been tracking gas prices upward since then.
But it's not a perfect match: prices are now back to where they were in mid-2010. Yet forum activity back then was higher.
I wonder why.
I think one reason is: there was a big expansion in efficient vehicle choices around that time (both from increasing CAFE regulations, and the growth of the compact/subcompact segment). Maybe the average "non-MPG-enthusiast" person who cared enough about MPG back then to visit the forum made a vehicle switch that saved a lot and now doesn't worry about fuel consumption as much. They figure they've done what they can do.