Originally Posted by Cd
Whuts wit all da strange talkin round these parts ?
Reminds me of the way kids are talking these days.
( Aerohead :" I grabbed mower fuel "
Are you saying you grabbed fuel for your lawn mower ? :-)
"BZP : Schneider has them fer all their tractors. "
Fer ?
I'm guilty too. I be mis spellin stuff too. No off-fence guys.
Yes,I'm doing my part to hasten Global Climate Change.The Property Owners Association has some attachment to at least a little grounds maintenance.For access to some of our infrastructure,it's nice to have chigger-free passage.

PS And yeah,the local colloquialism police monitor casual speech around here so it's impotent tuh thro yer can in thuh truck, 'n get yerself sum go-juice at thuh truckstop, 'n fondle a few pretty Peterbilts whilst yer at it.Whoeeeeee!