Originally Posted by The Other Andy
That is fantastic! Screw the Elio nonsense, that's the sort of thing we need now.
I'm curious though, how'd they figure four person seating? Weren't car interiors back then just big benches anyway?
That seating claim is one of two odd-ball things seen in the photo above... the four dudes look pretty cramped... I hope nobody spills their coffee! And then there is the fact of the right side driver wheel... is the photo reversed?
The car is cool, but what struk me as much and why I posted was the method of raising the cash. This is a significant museum... they raise $30k for a project on indiegogo? Wow. I was just part of a much smaller campaign for a much smaller history museum here. We raised $2700, but that was for a small museum. Doesn't Petersen have a massive donor base and a development coordinator?