Hey Guys!
So I've been a ghost the last 6 weeks or so, but the reason why is because I got promoted at work, so my time is essentially devoted to work right now. As I grow into my position it should even back out, but for now I've been busy! As part of the promotion I get a company car, although I received mine a couple of months early (I got lucky because of circumstances).
Anyway, here it is... A 2015 Chevy Sonic LT. It's a 1.8L EcoTec. It's EPA estimated for 26/35 C/H and my first full tank averaged 29.36 MPG.
I would have preferred the available 1.4L Turbo EcoTec since I would stay out of the turbo (after a tank or two of fun

) and the smaller engine would mean better FE. Alas, I'm sure the company went with the cheaper option.
I probably won't do anything to it directly since it's not mine and as far as I know it doesn't even belong to SolarCity as I believe they are leasing it. I know I'll keep up on maintenance and keep the tire pressure up. I'll try to adjust the "nut", but I already drive conservatively which is why I've never seen gains from my other cars unless it refers to mechanical changes. It does have the manumatic, just shift to M and press the button on the shifter up or down to shift. I'll play with that after a couple of tanks of "normal" operation to see how it effects FE.