Originally Posted by drainoil
Just like the current ones look at us as "tree hungers" "granola eaters" "tofu eaters" "vegetarians" etc etc. To the masses that's how we are viewed.
Actually most don't. The majority of the population is very interested in efficiency of resource use - water, electricity, cooling, warming, fuel - because it costs money. And also everyone wants to boast how they are saving money so everyone is an "engineer".
The "tofo knitting, yurt dwelling..." accusation comes along when the efficiency issue is wrapped up with something else such as CAGW or anti fracking or something else which maybe others take a different view of.
At that point any really useful message that might have been sent is lost in a debate about something else, which in itself is a waste of time.
I find it amazing that all those "communicators" and "evangalists" out there don't get this.
I suspect it may happen here, again.
Originally Posted by Flakbadger
...It's one of the biggest reason my wife and I don't even want to consider having kids.
Not everyone has thought this way in the past. You wouldn't know though from what is tapped nowadays, even on this very thread.