Still moving along with the mods lol
The two cylinder Kubota is significantly smaller than the three cylinder which the Centurion plans were designed for. This creates some issues as it pertains to the mounting of the engine to the transmission. The 3 cylinder adapter plate that I purchased with the car is also not compatible as it is far to big in diameter for the little two cylinder. So I am going to have to come up with a custom bellhousing in order for this to work. When I purchased the two cylinder engine it came with a nice Hayes generator drive unit which was utilized as an APU. This Hayes part gives me the bolt pattern for the 2 cylinder engine to exact specs. Having this piece gives me the other piece of the equation as I all ready had the Spitfire bellhousing.
So the plan will be to build a custom bellhousing out of aluminum alloy that is far lighter than the original Spitfire bellhousing. This setup will be nice in that it will be all one unit rather than having two separate parts with the 3 cylinder Centurion car. This will simplify the car, minimize part count and cut weight.
Here are a few pics of the Hayes Gen Drive and the 3 cyl adapter plate showing weights of each to give everyone an idea of what these things weigh. The general diameter of the adapter plate is 14" and the Hayes drive is 11" if anyone was curious.
Here is a link to the Hayes website regarding the Generator Drives =