I made some progress with things this weekend.
I removed the water pump bolts and replaced them with studs.
Then, I attached the new pulley. This allows me to run the original belt or the electric pulley belt should something happen. Also, if the electric pulley belt fails due to the heat, the nuts between the two pulleys are still there to hold the original pulley on.
So, back to mounting the motor. Here is the progress with the mount. Its not real pretty right now. But, its getting there. This shows how the motor will be attached.
Drilled some mounting holes for the motor bolts.
And, here is the test fit. It looks like it'll work great. It still needs some work. Mainly just finish welding (its just tacked together right now), and it also needs to be slotted to allow for belt adjustment.
I also went ahead and measured my center distances with the pulleys on the car and was able to order the belt that I'll need for it.