Originally Posted by hillbilly83
Before,the mod my gauges avg stayed at 22.8 mpg, and that coincided with mileage and the pump pretty close within .2 so now the gauge avg is 25.4. Maybe a placebo effect, am I driving better? Idk. If this is the case how do we fool the o2 and maf? I also modified my airbox, cut a slot in the resonator part allowing air to come under my hood straight into the airbox, pre filter of course
Trying to fool the electronics is one of the more difficult ways to get higher MPG. Every electronic sensor signal mod has other consequences in the engine management system. You want to be careful with your car and safety. There is much easier to reach "low hanging fruit" ... take a look at this list (have you already?):
65+ Vehicle modifications for better fuel economy - EcoModder.com
And the hypermiling tips too:
100+ Hypermiling / ecodriving tips & tactics for better mpg - EcoModder.com