It has been almost a month since I updated this thread! Wow, does time fly by.
My focus has shifted away from aerodynamics the past month or so. Not that I wanted to, but it was a necessity. It became apparent to me that I was hitting a "road block" when it came to lowering my Cd. My engine's load was dropping out of it's efficient area, so any more work could have been counter-productive!
However, I will be installing lean burn on the Ecoscort soon

This will increase the load on my motor so it can run in a more efficient BSFC zone. I should go from 45-50% load to 55-60% load in a steady state cruise setting.
Having LB will mean that more radical aero mods will have a greater positive effect, and I will be able to better utilize the effects by not losing engine efficiency. So I am open to suggestion as to what I should attempt first. I have not added anything to the car beyond what is written in my threads BTW.
I am thinking:
- Rear diffuser at appropriate angle
- Mid section belly pan
- Tire splats and boattails
- Kammback
- Boattail