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Old 07-23-2015, 03:29 PM   #135 (permalink)
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My new winter beater: the Premier's Limo

The story:

UPDATE: now that the hunt is over, I've started a new thread to document the car and its impending ecomods:


It's a 2-owner 2004. First owner was the Ontario provincial government motor pool. 2nd long-term owner was a woman in Gatineau, Quebec, who commuted to Ottawa.

She just bought a 2012 Prius. I asked why she didn't trade in the the '04 for it, and she said, "because the dealer only offered me a thousand bucks!"

It has higher than average km, is a little rough around the edges, but runs & drives fine, and everything works.

The ad went up on Tuesday evening with an asking price of $4k. I called within an hour, asked if I could come see it that evening. Nope, she was busy. But first thing in the morning was OK. And: "Yes, the price is negotiable." Oooo!

Sale price

She had done her homework and knew what the cars are selling for, which is why she laughed at the dealer's $1k trade-in offer. After laying out the work it needs, I offered $3k. We settled on $3400. She also said she had two offers via e-mail to buy the car sight unseen.

Based on what I've seen over the last six months, that's a good price (even given the higher than average kms and issues), but not quite a screaming deal .... all assuming it passes our mandatory pre-licensing mechanical/safety inspection.

To be continued... in the car's project thread:

The Premier's Limo: 2004 Toyota Prius "winter beater" ecomodding thread
Attached Thumbnails
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