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Old 07-28-2015, 11:00 PM   #12 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: elsberry mo
Posts: 54

hard boiled - '96 chevy metro lsi
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High 30s would be sweet. Got my edging today so after I get the heads off my truck tomorrow I'll start on that if I have time, this tank has had full tire pressure and new filter the whole tank. I'm up on my miles at a half a tank so I can see it being better. However working on my truck after work I'm taking a different commute home, way flatter it runs the river bottom. But alot more people stopping and pulling out in front of u, so we will see what happends.
1996 chevy metro hatch, 1.3 4 cylinder 8 valve, and a 5 speed. No mods as of yet
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