Been doing some EGR testing with the Talon. I have found out with cold EGR I'm not seeing any improvement in FE. In fact there is even a small decrease. I think this is do to the extreme lean burn condition I'm running.
So I'm going to try to see later this fall what it does for my emissions while on a chassis dyno with a exhaust sniffer.
The car is doing very well. I'm very pleased with the power and its efficiency.
We have had a record year with very high temperatures this Summer. This is helping with FE a ton. Our DA is around 5200'.
This winter I will be making some changes in the charge pipe configuration. I'm going to run a single pipe up inside the passenger compartment instead of underneath the car. I will need all clearance I can get for when the snow gets deep this winter.
The waste solvent unit is my favorite item on the car as of now. With these hot summer days I can even run over a 50% mix. I'm seeing different amounts of usage the engine wants base on different batches of waste solvent. I have a ton of waste solvent to test on now. My local shops have been very helpful giving me as much as I want.
Can't wait for Fall. I have been getting dehydrated from this strange hot Summer. The Talon will be much more driver friendly when it gets cooler.