Got back from my trip and here are the numbers...
Night drive from Wichita to Ardmore returned 27.1mpg at 65mph and a morning/afternoon drive from Ardmore to College Station returned 24.21mpg at 65mph. There was some stop and go traffic going through Ft Worth.
Based on the EPA highway rating of 19mpg fer my truck, my cost savings from the first tank was $7.03 and the second tank was $9.04 fer a total of $16.07 fer this run back to College Station. Total savings fer this trip was $37.27.
This total round trip distance was 1056 miles, total fuel used was 39.5 gallons which calculates to an overall mileage of 26.73mpg.
By comparison to the trip during the round trip distance was 1182 miles, total fuel used was 46.9 gallons which calculates to an overall mileage of 25.2mpg.
Fuel cost savings to date is $493.02...not bad.