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Old 08-11-2015, 09:24 AM   #11 (permalink)
pete c
Master EcoModder
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Originally Posted by jedi_sol View Post
I think you are misunderstanding the concept behind "EOC-ing"

OK, lets call it EOBraking then

The point of engine braking is that, while in gear, (in most modern cars) the fuel injectors automatically shut off, however, you lose too much speed. Therefore, whatever "gains" you made with engine braking are lost because you have to speed up again. I use engine braking when i KNOW i have to slow down to an eventual stop (ie a stop sign).

yes, same here

Engine Off Coasting is coasting in NEUTRAL while the engine is off. This way, you get the benefit of 1) fuel injectors are turned off and 2) you're coasts are longer because you are in neutral.

agreed. they are longer....until you put it in the woods because you were going to fast for the turn.

I am afraid your "EOC-ing in gear" might have damaged your transmission.
fear not, jedi. it is a manual trans. it has no idea whether or not the engine is on.

And yes, the entire purpose of what I am doing is to get out of paying a tax that I fear is coming. Currently, we pay road taxes, primarily through fuel purchase. As high mileage cars and EVs become more common, they will have to figure out another way to collect them. Miles driven makes the most sense. It is coming, sooner or later.

Last edited by pete c; 08-11-2015 at 09:33 AM..
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