Some more waste solvent information on some of the questions I'm getting.
This is a Becca waste solvent Recycler.
This is what the waste looks like before being recycled. What Body shops do is they usually have a 5 gallon container that the painter will dump all his left over base color and his solvent that he uses to clean his gun etc into. They then dump that into the recycler.
After 3 to 4 hrs the process is done and all you have left over is a hard chunk of dried paint called cake.
This a pic I took today of some recycled waste solvent that I will be running. As you can see its extremely clear to the point it looks like water.
The cost of electricity to Body Shop to make 1 gallon of waste solvent in my area is around .08 cents a gallon. The temperature range of distillation is 104*F to 394*F.