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Old 08-17-2015, 03:23 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
Sure there are: it's called hydro, much of which comes from out-of-state already. (See e.g. ) Then there's geothermal, which provides 24/7 power. And if all else fails, Elon Musk will be happy to sell you a battery backup system: Tesla Powerwall
Hydroelectricity is not always consistent either. The droughts have really taken a toll on that.

Power capacity at Hoover Dam, on the Arizona-Nevada border, has dropped nearly 25 percent since 2000. In California, home to 287 hydroelectric plants and where almost half the state today is classified as being in “exceptional drought,” hydropower has fallen 60 percent in the past four years.
Western drought steals clean energy along with fresh water at power plants - The Washington Post

Hydro has a love-hate relationship with the environmentalists. They praise it for being clean, and hate it for messing with the salmon. Here in Washington, we've torn down several large dams to improve salmon runs and I'd be surprised if we were ever able to build new dams.

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