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Old 08-28-2015, 03:26 PM   This thread is in the EcoModder Project Library | #1 (permalink)
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Pope Pious the Prius - '13 Toyota Prius Two
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2015 Murano LED retrofit into 2013 Prius

As I've mentioned in the various LED headlight threads that have popped up over the last several months here, I've been using drop-in H11 LED bulbs off ebay for ~18 months now as an experiment. According to the seller, the bulbs I got use two LEDs that together consume 18W per bulb, and put out 2000 lumens. They've been mostly okay for around-town driving, but (as I've read is common with these LED replacements) they don't have the distance of the stock halogens, and they put out a lot more light above the cutout than the halogens did (for a demonstration, see this thread. Mine don't look quite that bad, but they are noticeably less bright on the highway than halogens).

So, in exploring options for getting some better lighting, I came across a great deal on new 2015 Nissan Murano LED low-beam projectors and LED high-beam reflectors, and decided to try a retrofit which I will document in this thread. Only a few people have done this, but there is some information out there--this thread I found particularly useful. The Murano assemblies have a single 11W LED for each beam that puts out a nice white light with good distance, which is exactly what I'm looking for. So, after cutting headlight power consumption to one third, from 110W to 36W, this will cut it almost in half again, from 36W to 22W, get rid of the fan noise, and have better output and pattern to boot.

The low-beam projectors (lenses removed for swap):

The OEM lenses are clear, but have faceting that produces a wider, more colorful cutoff and other prismatic effects:

I'm replacing those with TSX-R clear lenses. Sharper cutoff, no lines!

Next up: lens gluing.

UIUC Aerospace Engineering
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The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Vman455 For This Useful Post:
Daox (08-28-2015), darcane (08-28-2015), deejaaa (08-30-2015), Ecky (09-05-2015), OG VX (08-31-2015), pgfpro (09-05-2015), redpoint5 (10-11-2015), vskid3 (08-28-2015)